Unity, Scene View Explanation
When you open a project in Unity, this is what you see
There are some “window”, the most important is :
Hierarchy, Project, Scene, Game, and the Inspector.
For now talk about the Scene View
In the hierarchy panel, there is a scene call “Sample scene”
Click the little arrow
Now, click on Main Camera or Directional Light to highlight the object in the Scene.
You can click from hierarchy to scene or from scene to hierarchy, this work in the same way.
To move in scene, right click and hold down, then move the mouse
With mouse wheel you can zoom
The best mode for move inside the Scene is the FPS mode.
To use it, press and hold down right button,
then press W, A, S, D for move forward, backward, left and right.
Use Q for move down and E for move up.
When move the visual, you can regulate the speed with mouse wheel, forward is faster, backward is slower.
In this example I simply hold down right click and use the mousewheel
Can be happen when you move you can lost a little bit of orientation.
Don’t panic!
You can simply highlight an object in the hierarchy, move your mouse in the Scene view and press F.
This is the basic things to know for move and oriented in the Scene View.