Unity new Input System (Part I)

Matteo Lo Piccolo
3 min readDec 25, 2021


Today we talk about the new input system in Unity.
First of all, as always, let’s take a look at the documentation.

Here there is the reference to it

As we can read here, to install the new input system, we need to go to Windows -> Package Manager and download the new input system.

N.B. another very important part is this:

We need Unity 2019.1+ and .NET 4 runtime

After we open the Package Manager, be sure to search in Unity RTegistry, and write Input System

Before installing, let’s read this part well:

This means that after we enable the new input system, automatically Unity disable the old input system.

If we press install on Package Manager

Click Yes and Unity automatically restart

N.B. in any case we can enable BOTH input system

Now, as we can see at the beginning, we need to controll (or set) .NET to 4.

Go to Edit -> Project Settings

Go under Player -> Other Settings

and we change Api Compatibility Level from .NET Standard 2.0 to .NET 4x
Scripting Backend from Mono to IL2CPP

Now we are ready to go

N.B. For enable both input system, go under
Active Input Handling and select both.

If you select both, Unity restart again.

In the next articles we see how works the new Input System.

Small preview: the new Input System works quite differently from the old Input System, and is set up as an “event driven system”.



Matteo Lo Piccolo
Matteo Lo Piccolo

Written by Matteo Lo Piccolo

Always in love with programming, even if late (I'm already 39 years old) I decided to follow my dream! We will see how far my passion will take me!

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