Unity : Cinemachine and Timeline (Part VII)

Matteo Lo Piccolo
3 min readFeb 2, 2022


In today article we look at the Body of Cinemachine.
We set the new Scene with a Cube and a new Virtual Camera.

Then, I attached again the Animator component to the cube and I use the same animation that we have used before.

Now, as we said at the beginning of these articles :
Look At goes to Aim,
Follow goes to Body

If now we drag and drop the Cube in the “follow” and press Play

The Camera now follows the Cube.

And if look at the Body, we have a bunch of options, exactly as we seen in the Aim section.

For example, we have damping, which works at the same.
If we press Play and try to set it up

At 0, the movement is really strict, more higher the value, more “space” we have around.

The interesting part is the Body -> Transposer

By default Unity sets it to Transposer, but here we have six options (seven with “Do Nothing”).

When we use Body -> Transposer the result is this

It simply follow the Cube, nothing strange.
But if we set the Body to Framing

The behavior if we press Play is nearly the same as before, but now we have a tons of option in the editor.

This type of Camera is incredible useful in the 2.5D games.

Many of this options are the same as we seen in the Aim part, in fact we have damping, lookahead time, dead zone. etc.

The best way, as always, is to try and make some test in our games.

We can use the Transposer and use the Aim part, or we can use Framing Transposer, and we can use every option we have here.

Is completely up to you, this is another method to achieve some great result with Cinemachine.



Matteo Lo Piccolo
Matteo Lo Piccolo

Written by Matteo Lo Piccolo

Always in love with programming, even if late (I'm already 39 years old) I decided to follow my dream! We will see how far my passion will take me!

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