Optimize Layout in Unity
When working in Unity, one of the most important things is layout optimization.
This is because it is very useful to be able to see the changes between the scene view and the game view in real time, without having to constantly switch windows.
Customizing the layout is actually very simple, just select the panel, for example the hierarchy, and drag it where we want.
Or even the game view, as we can see.
If, for example, we create a cube and drag it into the scene, with this customization we will see the changes in real time between scene and game view.
Optimizing the layout is very important, because it allows us to always have everything under control without wasting time.
One of the best, if not the best layout I’ve ever worked with is this one
Now we’ll see how to create and save it.
From the default layer (i.e. the initial one), drag the game scene under scene view, then click the defaul (i.e. default layout) item at the top right, and select Tall.
Let’s drag the game scene back under the scene view, and place it at the level of the project window
In case of mobile development, to optimize, we move the game view next to the scene view.
The next step is to optimize the project window. Now it doesn’t look bad, but as the project and folders grow it can be a bit confusing. Then, in the project window, click on the small drop dow (the icon with three dots), and select one column layout.
This converts the project view from preview mode to list mode.
Finally, we should save our layout!
Click Top (always top right), Save Layout and name it as you prefer.
Normally, in Unity, new projects will always open with the last used layout. If not, just click on the top right and choose which layout to use.