GameDev : PowerUp!!

Matteo Lo Piccolo
3 min readJun 3, 2021


Now we need to create a Power Up system.
So, when we collect Power Up, we can use Triple Shot!

In my project I have this

Firts, drag and drop it in the Scene

Is too big, so we scale it at 0.5, and rename it to Triple Shot Powerup.

We need to collect it, this means we need to add a Box Collider 2D or a Circle Collider 2D. It’s not important what Collider we use, the impoertant thing for funcionality is code, and OnTriggerEnter2D method works absolutely fine with every type of Collider 2D.

Box Collider 2D
Circle Collider 2D

And remember to check toggle “Trigger”.
We also need a Rigidbody2D, and set the Gravity to 0.

To create a behavior, we need a new C # script, “Powerup”
Attach it, and make Powerup a prefab, so we can instantiate and reuse it.

Now, Pseudo Code and we try to understand what we want to do and how do it

Ok, first, need speed variable.

Then, we try to write some code

Here we have :
two variables, one for speed and one for check if Powerup is go out of the screen.
And the Translate method to move Powerup down, with Vector3.down multiplied by speed and Time.deltaTime.
Then we check : if our position y is less than 6.0f, destroy this gameObject.

Let’s try and see what happen

The first part works.
The Power Up goes down and when it is off the screen it self-destructs.

Now, second part is about OnTriggerEnter2D

What we do here is a simple check:
If the object we collide with is the Player, Destroy.

Try again

And everything works fine!

In the next article we create a better system for our Powerup!



Matteo Lo Piccolo
Matteo Lo Piccolo

Written by Matteo Lo Piccolo

Always in love with programming, even if late (I'm already 39 years old) I decided to follow my dream! We will see how far my passion will take me!

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