GameDev : Post Processing Package (Part I)

Matteo Lo Piccolo
3 min readJul 5, 2021

In this article we see how install the Post Processing Package.
This package allow us to apply FILTERS and IMAGE EFFECTS to our videogame.

To install it, we need to use the Package Manager.
The Package Manager contains a variety of “package” with different effect and utility, for example the “CINEMACHINE”.
Cinemachine is one that package you probably will use the most, and we have to download from Package Manager.

To start, go to Windows, Package Manager.

After click it, it open the Package Manager menu.
If we scroll down, we find “Post Processing”

After click on it, in the down right corner we click on “Install”.

This operation can take little bit of time.
Close the Package Manager window, and in the project window there is a folder “Packages”.
If we click on it, we see the Post Processing installation

Now the Package is install, but how can we use it?

First, we need a “Post Processing Profile”.
To create it, simply create an Empty Object and name it “Post Processing Volume”

Ad to this object the component “ Post Process Volume”

Make sure the toggle “Is Global” is check.
This means everything in our VIEW is affected by our changes.

We need now to create a profile.
Really easy to do, just click “New” in the profile row and Unity creates it automatically

In the project windows, under scene, now we have “Game Profiler”, and inside it there is the Post Process Volume Profile.

If we now back again into Post Process Volume object, we can add the effects.

Just click onto “Add effect”, Unity, and it opens a menu with all the effect we can add

In the next article we go little deeper into these effects and how they work!



Matteo Lo Piccolo

Always in love with programming, even if late (I'm already 39 years old) I decided to follow my dream! We will see how far my passion will take me!